The following document contains common hardware and software configuration issues met when running QuestDB, as well as solutions to them.

How do I delete a row?#

See our guide on modifying data.

How do I convert a STRING column to a SYMBOL or vice versa?#

The SQL UPDATE keyword can be used to change the data type of a column. The same approach can also be used to increase the capacity of a SYMBOL column that is undersized.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Add a new column to the table and define the desired data type.
  2. Stop data ingestion and increase SQL query timeout, query.timeout.sec, as UPDATE may take a while to complete. Depending on the size of the column, we recommend to increase the value significantly: the default is 60 seconds and it may be reasonable to increase it to one hour. Restart the instance after changing the configuration, to activate the change.
  3. Use UPDATE to copy the existing column content to the new column. Now, the column has the correct content with the new data type.
  4. Delete the old column.
  5. Rename the new column accordingly. For example, to change old_col from STRING to SYMBOL for table my_table:
UPDATE my_table SET new_col = old_col;
ALTER TABLE my_table DROP COLUMN old_col;
ALTER TABLE my_table RENAME COLUMN new_col TO old_col;

Why do I get table busy error messages when inserting data over PostgreSQL wire protocol?#

You may get table busy [reason=insert] or similar errors when running INSERT statements concurrently on the same table. This means that the table is locked by inserts issued from another SQL connection or other client protocols for data import, like ILP over TCP or CSV over HTTP. To reduce the chances of getting this error, try using auto-commit to keep the transaction as short as possible.

We're also considering adding automatic insert retries on the database side, but for now, it is safe to handle this error on the client side and retry the insert.

Why do I see could not open read-write messages when creating a table or inserting rows?#

Log messages may appear like the following:

2022-02-01T13:40:11.336011Z I i.q.c.l.t.LineTcpMeasurementScheduler could not create table [tableName=cpu, ex=could not open read-write
io.questdb.cairo.CairoException: [24] could not open read-only [file=/root/.questdb/db/cpu/service.k]

The machine may have insufficient limits for the maximum number of open files. Try checking the ulimit value on your machine. Refer to capacity planning page for more details.

Why do I see errno=12 mmap messages in the server logs?#

Log messages may appear like the following:

2022-02-01T13:40:10.636014Z E i.q.c.l.t.LineTcpConnectionContext [8655] could not process line data [table=test_table, msg=could not mmap [size=248, offset=0, fd=1766, memUsed=314809894008, fileLen=8192], errno=12]

The machine may have insufficient limits of memory map areas a process may have. Try checking and increasing the vm.max_map_count value on your machine. Refer to capacity planning page for more details.

How do I avoid duplicate rows with identical fields?#

We have an open feature request to optionally de-duplicate rows inserted with identical fields. Until then, you need to modify the data after it's inserted and use a GROUP BY query to identify duplicates.